Sending a 'We Are!' to these Penn Staters -- Week of April 1


As part of our regular “We Are!” feature, 我们认可十大正规赌博平台大全的学生,他们在工作中超越了学校对他们的要求.  

Credit: Michael Owen

As part of our regular “We Are!” feature, 我们表彰了九位十大正规赌博平台大全的学生,他们在工作中超越了学校对他们的要求.   


  • Jennifer Barnhart, 农业科学学院发展助理, 她的提名人写道:“詹妮弗超越了她的职责,支持她的团队和同事. 对她来说,重要的是要为部门的其他人腾出时间,了解他们,并以任何方式支持他们. So glad to call her a colleague and friend!” 
  • Brandi Biesecker, development assistant at Penn State Mont Alto, 她的提名者写道:“布兰迪总是愿意付出额外的努力来帮助别人. If she doesn't know the answer, she will find out. She is always calm and patient. 她对每个人都很友好,在任何情况下都能给予鼓励和智慧.” 
  • Kim Bird, 辅助和商务服务的库存控制和分销专员, 他的提名人写道:“当我有供应订单问题或问题时,金总是很友好,很乐于助人. She's my ‘go to’ person!” 
  • Kimberley Darlington, financial assistant at Penn State Berks, 他的提名人写道:“Kim非常善于确保我们的学生和技术服务员工了解他们需要在工作日完成的任务. From onboarding a new student, to assisting another with their time off requests, Kim is patient and helps them understand the process. She is vital to our team.” 
  • Lindsey Hopkins Hall, 十大正规赌博平台大全贝伦德分校负责学生领导和参与的副主任, 她的提名人写道:“林赛和她的办公室协调了贝伦德学生领导会议. As an attendee, this was an amazing experience, 但我肯定这需要林赛和她办公室的其他人做很多计划和努力. 谢谢你,林赛,谢谢你为改善贝伦德大学的学生生活所做的一切!” 
  • Habiba Housseen, student organization coordinator at Penn State Abington, 她的提名人写道:“哈比巴上学期加入了学生事务处,我们已经看到了她对学生组织的工作和承诺的影响. 我们很自豪能有哈比巴成为我们的员工,尤其是因为她是阿宾顿大学的校友!"
  • John Moses-Brownson, 埃伯利科学学院的学术和前健康顾问, 他的提名人写道:“约翰是一位了不起的同事和顾问! He is a constant source of positivity, 支持和创造力,使我们的团队能够实施新的举措,迎接挑战. 因为他,学生们对自己和他们所走的道路感到被看到、被重视和自信. Thanks, John!” 
  • Angela Port, housing assignment coordinator at University Park, whose nominator wrote: “Angie brings a positive, can-do attitude to work every day, no matter what is going on at home or in the office. 她的快乐是有感染力的,她是顾客赞美的常客. Her peers love working with her and so do her supervisors. Penn State is a better place because of Angie.” 
  • Christina Santacroce, 研究生院首席行政支持协调员, whose nominator wrote: “Tina always goes above and beyond! She is kind, considerate and incredibly helpful. 她以富有感染力的积极态度处理许多任务. Tina projects Penn State pride. It is a pleasure to work with her. Thank you for all that you do!” 
  • Timothy Smalarz, college registrar at Penn State Abington, whose nominator wrote: “Tim is the most amazing leader. He leads with kindness and understanding. 他的态度让你想好好对待他,总是为他尽你最大的努力. 不管发生了什么,他每天都很开心,很积极. Tim is great to be around, and we are so lucky to have him.” 
  • Aneesah Smith, director of student diversity, equity and inclusion at Penn State Abington, 她的提名人写道:“Aneesah在支持学生组织方面做得非常出色. She has streamlined processes, 在整个校园的团体和单位之间建立了开放的对话,并为校园社区带来了一定程度的活力和兴奋!” 
  • Harinie Srinivasan, talent acquisition specialist in Human Resources, 她的提名者写道:“在协助我们寻找人才时,哈妮总是超越一切. 在提出建议时,她是积极的、深思熟虑的和战略性的. 与Harinie一起工作总是很愉快,并在复杂的过程中提供明确的方向和丰富的信息.” 
  • Tony Thomas, 研究信息系统办公室的数据库专家, 他的提名人写道:“托尼是我们出色的数据库管理员之一. 不管遇到什么问题,他都愿意挽起袖子来帮忙. 他的奉献和慷慨对支持十大正规赌博平台大全的研究管理产生了重大影响. I am inspired by his helpfulness.” 

Thank you Jennifer, Brandi, Kim, Kimberley, Lindsey, Habiba, John, Angela, Christina, Timothy, Aneesah, Harinie和Tony,感谢所有帮助宾州州立大学成为一个不可思议的社区的人! 

Do you know someone who deserves a shout out? 如果你有的话,考虑通过填写一份表格来提名那个人 short online form.