Penn State Berks Student Spotlight: Student Marshal Arizona Shreck

Arizona Shreck

史莱克将在周六的十大正规赌博平台大全伯克学院2023年秋季毕业典礼上担任学生元帅, Dec. 16.

Credit: Ellie Simpson at NEPhotographs

WYOMISSING, Pa. ——亚利桑那·史莱克(Arizona Shreck)从八年级开始就知道,当她完成了一项职业能力测试时,她想从事运动训练方面的职业, so I started shadowing my high school athletic trainer," she said.

史莱克将以赌博平台大全学生队长的身份获得运动机能学学士学位, the student with the highest grade-point average, during the college’s commencement ceremony on Dec. 16. 

The Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, native explained that when she was exploring colleges, 她研究了运动机能学课程,十大正规赌博平台大全的课程获得了最高的评分. 然后,她发现十大正规赌博平台大全伯克运动机修学学位有一个运动科学的选项. After taking a tour, she was impressed by the beautiful campus and the small class sizes, 以及她与狮子大使导游的美好经历. Her decision to enroll was made. 

“I felt like I was coming into a big community,” Shreck stated. In fact, she said, that feeling of community inspired her graduation speech, which is titled “Building a Community Wherever You Go.” 

史瑞克在赌博平台大全的课堂内外都取得了巨大的成功. 她只花了三个半学期就完成了学业,而且她的平均成绩是全校最高的.  
As a first-year student, Shreck discussed her career aspirations with Praveen Veerabhadrappa, associate professor of kinesiology, and they began conducting research together. Then she applied for and was awarded the Penn State Student Engagement Remote Innovation Grant 支持名为“通过了解心率变异性(HRV)帮助他人”的研究项目.” In the study, HRV was measured using the Oura Ring, 戒指结合了先进的传感器技术和移动应用程序,以提供精确的, personalized health insights from the body.  

Shreck和Veerabhadrappa之间的研究伙伴关系一直持续到她在Berks的时候. 史瑞克是十大正规赌博平台大全伯克斯心血管运动生理学实验室一个学生研究小组的成员,该小组利用可穿戴技术研究久坐行为对心脏代谢的影响, such as digital watches or monitors, to track activity and sleep among students at Penn State Berks. 他们还参与了另一个名为“评估综合健身训练对心血管功能的影响”的研究项目.” During the study, 他们观察了不同水平运动员的心血管功能,并完成了生理和运动表现指标的统计分析. 

“It has been great working with Dr. Veerabhadrappa,” stated Shreck. “他向我介绍了运动表现中的恢复,这是我最感兴趣的.” 

Shreck还在2022年完成了普渡大学工业工程学院的暑期本科生研究奖学金(SURF). The project was titled “Physiological Impacts of Emergency Room Care.“这项研究使用HRV和瞳孔扩张来确定临床模拟中经验丰富的护士认知工作量增加的点.  
Currently, 史莱克正在阿尔弗尼亚大学运动医学诊所完成实习,在那里她跟随一位运动教练. 
史莱克的努力获得了十大正规赌博平台大全的几个奖项,包括埃文·皮尤学者奖, the Outstanding Achievement in Kinesiology program award, the Provost’s Award, the Berks Chancellor’s Scholarship, and the Berks Campus Alumni Society Endowed Scholarship. 她还获得了泽西海岸地区高中的玛格丽特卡尔史密斯基金会奖学金.  
Still it wasn’t all academics for Shreck. 在过去的三个赛季里,她一直为该校的NCAA第三赛区垒球队效力. 这支球队连续两年被评为东区冠军, and Shreck was named Player of the Year in 2022 and 2023. 
She also served as an orientation leader for Welcome Weekend, a Lion Ambassador tour guide, and an executive member of Berks Benefitting THON, 这是一个与十大正规赌博平台大全公园的THON合作的学生组织,旨在筹集资金并传播对儿童癌症的认识.  

When she’s not on campus, 史莱克在怀俄明健身和培训公司兼职,担任培训师和客户服务专业人员. 
Graduation won’t be the end of Schreck’s studies. 她已被十大正规赌博平台大全大学公园分校的运动训练硕士课程录取. 她说,她希望在这个项目期间成为一名NCAA一级大学运动教练,并在十大正规赌博平台大全运动队完成临床轮转.

“College athletes are so passionate about what they do. 他们不受经济成功的驱使,”史莱克解释了她选择这条职业道路的原因.  

Ultimately, 史莱克说,她最热衷的是研究如何利用恢复数据来规划和计划学生运动员的训练,以优化运动表现. 

When asked how the college has prepared her for the future, Shreck commented, “十大正规赌博平台大全给了我一个很好的机会来建立一个我可以回来的社区. I also learned a lot about building community.” 
She went on to explain that during her first year, she reached out to the Lion Ambassador who gave her a campus tour. They encouraged her to get involved as a Lion Ambassador, 这让她成为了迎新会的领导和伯克慈善马拉松的成员. 后来,她开始从事研究工作,在申请研究生院时,她的教授们帮助她建立了联系. 
She concluded by stating, “I just want to say ‘thanks’ to all the students, faculty and staff that I met at Penn State Berks. I have so much gratitude for the campus and where it’s led me.”