
副教授, 运动机能学

Dr. 安德鲁·弗瑞森 serves as an associate professor of kinesiology and 宾州州立银行. 他教体育, 锻炼, and performance psychology to the next generation of professionals in the field of kinesiology. His research expertise is in emotional intelligence and the applied practice of sport psychology. Dr. Friesen has been a member of numerous integrated sports science teams with several national sport programs across a wide range of sports in Canada, 英国, 澳大利亚, 和美国.S. 这些运动包括曲棍球, 棒球, 垒球, 跆拳道, 篮球, 排球, 花样游泳, 游泳, 长曲棍球, 高尔夫球, 射箭, 壁球, 网球, 羽毛球, 花样滑冰.

Dr. Friesen is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) with the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. 他还入选了美国奥运会 & 残奥委员会运动心理学和心理训练登记处(2022- 2024). 他还担任学院的教师体育代表.

  • 应用运动心理学实践
  • 情商
  • 领导的研究

弗瑞森,., & *马修斯,C. (2021). Emotion regulation strategies used across the Transtheoretical Model stages in 锻炼. 体育学报,44 (4):423-432.

巷,.比迪,C.德文波特,T., & 弗瑞森,. (2021). Considerations of control groups: Comparing active-control with no treatment for examining the effects of brief intervention. 运动,9. http://doi.org/10.3390/sports9110156

弗瑞森,. (2021). Assessing the applied impact of sports psychology’s most influential research articles. 《赌博平台大全》,35,250-258. doi: 10.1123 / tsp.2020-0182

弗瑞森,.斯坦利,D。.德文波特,T., & 巷,. (2019). 在比赛前调节自己和队友的情绪. 运动 & 运动Sciences-Science & Motricite. doi: 10.1051/sm/2019014

程,M.弗里森,A., & Olalekan,. (2019). Using emotion regulation to cope with challenges: A study of Chinese students in the United Kingdom. 剑桥教育杂志. doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2018.1472744

*肯特,年代.德文波特,T. D.巷,. M.尼科尔斯,W., & 弗瑞森,. P. (2018). The effects of coping interventions on ability to perform under pressure: A systematic review. 运动科学与医学杂志,17,40-54.

* McIntosh-Dalmedo,年代.德文波特,T.D.尼科尔斯,W., & 弗瑞森,. P. (2018). Examining the effects of sport and 锻炼 interventions on body image among adolescent girls: A systematic review. 运动行为杂志

弗瑞森,.加洛韦,S. M.斯坦利,D。.巷,.鲁伊斯,M., & 内维尔,. (2017). Coach-athlete perceived congruence between actual and desired emotions in karate competition and training. 应用运动心理学杂志. doi: 10.1080/10413200.2017.1388302

巷,. M.Terry, P. C.弗里森,A. P.德文波特,T. D., & Tottedell P. (2017). A test and extension of Lane and Terry’s (2000) conceptual model of mood-performance relationships using a large internet sample. 心理学前沿,8,470. doi: 10.3389 / fpsyg.2017.00470

弗瑞森,.德文波特,T., & 巷,. (2017). 超越技术:情绪调节在裁判艺术中的作用. 体育学报,35,579-586. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1180419

巷,.托特德尔,P.麦克唐纳,我.德文波特,T.弗里森,A.比迪,C.斯坦利,D。., & 内维尔,. (2016). Brief online training enhances competitive performance: Findings of the BBC Lab UK psychological skills intervention study. 心理学前沿,7,413. doi: 10.3389 / fpsyg.2016.00413

坎波,M.桑切斯,X.弗朗德,C.罗斯内特,E.弗里森,A., & 巷,. (2016). Interpersonal emotion regulation in team sport: Mechanisms and reasons to regulate teammates’ emotions examined. 国际运动与运动心理学杂志. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2015.1114501

弗瑞森,.德文波特,T.塞拉斯,C., & 巷,. (2015). Examining interpersonal emotion regulation strategies and moderating factors in ice hockey. 体育观察,7(2),143-160.

弗瑞森,.巷,.塞拉斯,C., & 德文波特T. (2015). Interpersonal emotion regulation: An intervention case study with a professional ice hockey team. 体育观察,7(2),129-142.

弗瑞森,. P.德文波特,T. J., & 巷,. M. (2015). 世界锦标赛长曲棍球裁判的人际情绪调节. 运动与运动杂志,47(1).

巷,.德文波特,T.弗里森,A.Beedie, Beedie.富勒顿,C. & 斯坦利,D. (2015). 如果我想跑得更快,我应该如何调节自己的情绪? 体育学报,16 (4):465-472. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2015.1080305

Brownlee K.马丁·J.拉瓦娜,E.哈珀,J。.梅西埃,M.内科威,R., & 弗瑞森,. (2014). Bullying behaviour and victimization among Aboriginal students within Northwestern Ontario. 第一民族的孩子 & 家庭评论,9,38-52.

弗瑞森,.塞拉斯,C.德文波特,T., & 巷,. (2013). A narrative account of decision-making and interpersonal emotion regulation using social-functional approaches to emotions. 国际体育杂志 & 运动心理学,11,203-214. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2013.773664

弗瑞森,.巷,.德文波特,T.塞拉斯,C.斯坦利,D。., & Beedie C. (2012). 运动中的情绪:考虑人际调节策略. 国际运动与运动心理学评论,6,139-154. doi: 10.1080/1750984X.2012.742921

弗瑞森,. (2012). [书评运动中的群体动力学,(第4版),由A.V. Carron & M.A. 的眼睛). 体育学报,30,2003. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2012.685617.

斯坦利,D.比迪,C.巷,.弗里森,A., & 德文波特T. (2012). 跑步前一小时的情绪调节策略. 国际运动与运动心理学杂志,10,159-171. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2012.671910

弗瑞森,., & 奥里克T. (2011). 整体运动心理学:角色探究, 操作标准, 整体咨询师的干预目标与策略. 科学学报,2014,18-42.

弗瑞森,., & 奥里克T. (2010). A qualitative analysis of holistic sport psychology consultants’ professional philosophies. 《赌博平台大全》,24,227-244.

  • Ph.D.,英国伍尔弗汉普顿大学运动心理学教授
  • M.A.健康科学,渥太华大学,加拿大
  • B.A., Psychology; 运动机能学 & 应用健康,加拿大温尼伯大学

弗瑞森,., & 帕特里克·T. (2022). 应用运动心理学从业者平衡角色转换. Presented at the 37th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Fort Worth, TX

那波里塔诺,.弗里森,A., & Ohlson C. (2022). “我们正!“…田径和学术项目的认证心理表现顾问. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.

那波里塔诺,., & 弗瑞森,. (2022). AASP通讯提供的专业机会. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.

弗瑞森,.*金,D.*麦克格罗根,T., & *莫雷尔,P. (2022). Examining the muscular and psychological effects of emotions and emotion regulation in sport. Symposium presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.

*王,维.*莫雷尔,P.*麦克格罗根,T., & 弗瑞森,. (2022). 教练员对受伤运动员的人际情绪调节. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.

* McGrogan T.*金,D.*莫雷尔,P., & 弗瑞森,. (2022). 情绪就是力量:情绪对肌肉输出的作用. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.

*莫雷尔,P.*麦克格罗根,T.*金,D., & 弗瑞森,. (2022). Examining the relationship between eating patterns, self-efficacy, emotion regulation and recovery. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.

* Printz,米., & 弗瑞森,. (2021). 定心干预对提高排球成绩的影响. Presented at the 36th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, NV

* Rozick J., & 弗瑞森,. (2021). 想像干预对改善垒球投手自我效能的影响. Presented at the 36th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, NV

弗瑞森,. (2020). “空气中有某种东西……”:在应用运动心理学中运用自然. 论文发表于第35届应用运动心理学协会会议, 奥兰多, FL; Virtual.

弗瑞森,. (2020). Different strategies for different stages: Emotion regulation across the Transtheoretical Model stages of change. 在第35届应用运动心理学协会会议上发表的海报, 奥兰多, FL; Virtual.

阴影,年代.飞利浦,J.P . Veerabhadrappa., & 弗瑞森,. (2020). FitBit小组对大学生运动态度的影响. 十大正规赌博平台大全本科展览海报. 虚拟会议.

弗瑞森,. (2019). Managing Athletes’ and Coaches’ Emotions in Sport: A Workshop for Applied Practitioners. Workshop presented at the 34th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.

,一个.,科隆,K.弗里森,A., & 凯格尔,年代. (2019). Perceptions of the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) Approach with wheelchair rugby athletes. Poster presented at the 34th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.

*马修斯,C., & 弗瑞森,. (2019). Emotion regulation strategies of 锻炼rs across stages in the Transtheoretical Model. 在2019年伯克斯县高等教育委员会,阅读,宾夕法尼亚州提交的论文.

弗瑞森,. (2019). 帮助运动员在高水平训练中保持远景. Workshop presented at the 2019 Regional Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, 费城, PA.

* Cortellessa K., & 弗瑞森,. (2019). A biofeedback intervention to manage heart rate variability in boxing: A pilot study. 2019年科学部本科生研究海报会. 宾州州立银行.

弗瑞森,. (2018). 美国职业棒球大联盟投手对阵前几支球队的表现. Poster presented at the 33rd Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Toronto, ON.

* Calaluca B., & 弗瑞森,. (2018). Fighting for the Finish: An exploration of student motivation in sport psychology master’s program. Paper presented at the 2018 Regional Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Denver, CO.

Cologgi K.弗里森,A.*卡拉卢卡,B.*弗朗西斯,N.*奥茨,J.*美国,L., & * Ugrenovic L. (2018). From star players to sidekick: A panel discussion on former athletes training to become sport psychology practitioners. Panel discussion at the 2018 Regional Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, 塔拉哈西, FL.